===================================== Global network analysis configuration ===================================== .. image:: snapshots/global_analysis.jpg **Study directory** Specify the directory where "Group1" and "Group2" are located **Data separator** If the data is in csv format, select the character that separates columns in the file. For matlab ".mat" files, this setting is ignored **Regress data** Select if you want to regress data from the computed network measures before performing the statistical analysis. Specify a file where the regressors are stored. Note that only csv files are supported. This file should contain one line per subject (Group1 + Group2), one column with the subject filename (only the file name, eg: file_for_Subj1.csv) and one extra column per regressor. **Network measures** You can choose to compute the network measures on: * Non-Weighted graphs: the edge values represent the number of connections between the vertices * Weighted graphs: the edge values represent some measure of the connection strength between the vertices * Binarized graphs: the edges that have non-zero values are set to one before computing the network measures Select the set of measures you want to test: * Mean degree: computes the mean degree of the adjacency matrix. If the matrix is weighted, the mean strength is computed * Mean betweenness: computes the mean node betweenness * Closeness: computes the mean closeness of the network * Diameter: computes the mean diameter over the network * Efficiency: compute the mean efficiency of the network **Test parameters** Define how the test should be performed: * Alternative: define the H1 hypothesis (Group1 != Group2, Group1 > Group2 or Group1 < Group2) * Test type: define if the test should be parametric (Student t-test) or non-parametric (Wilcoxon test)